Friday, May 28, 2010

Beautiful Beast, Innovation at It's Best

Sidra Bell premiered her new piece at DMAC-DUO Multicultural Arts Center on May 12th 2010. I had never seen any of her work before so I didn't have any notions of what I would be witnessing. Much to my surprise, I was blown away. The house was intimate but elegant and there was a dancer on stage setting the mood for the night while the audience found their seats. I was interested to say the least.
The dancers were crisp and precise, languid but controlled, and engulfed in their role most completely. Sidra's movements spoke eloquently through here dancers as they transcribed the story she was telling to me. It was borderline ritualistic, vaudevillesque, witty, with a splash of sex. Definitely my favorite performance in NYC to date. I want more as soon as possible.