Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why Boarding School?

As intensives wind down at the end of summer, you may be dreading the return home, where you get to dance only a couple of hours a day. What's the next step when you are ready to immerse yourself in your training full-time? Top ballet boarding schools can offer world renowned faculty, intense schedules, state-of-the-art facilities and the company of peers with a shared passion. But what are the factors to weigh before deciding if training away from home is a good idea for you?
For starters, ask yourself:
Does the school feed into a company that I would like to dance for?
Who are the faculty?
What percentage of students dance professionally after graduation?
What percent goes to college dance programs?
What is the academic program like?
If you want to be a professional dancer, boarding school can wipe years off your training time. You are immersed in an environment with people who are extremely focused, students who want to be dancers, rather than students whose parents want them to dance. Oftentimes the ones who have had to fight the hardest to be there are the ones who are most prepared to leave home. They have already dealt with the resistance and feel strongly enough to have made it there. If you are passionate, committed, open-minded and learn everything you can, you will be successful. It's the best way to keep all your doors open

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